Carol S. Weissert (Florida State University, USA) signe une recension dans la revue Publius, The Journal of Federalism de l’ouvrage Advanced Introduction to Federalism (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024), dont les coauteurs sont Alain-G. Gagnon et Arjun Tremblay.
« Authors Alain-G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay take on a big task in their book, Advanced Introduction to Federalism where they explore the intersection between federalism scholarship and a range of themes related to fairness, justice, and equality, as well as the survival, wellbeing, and future of democratic systems of government. By exploring these matters, the authors seek to reach multiple audiences with differing knowledge of, and interest in, federalism research, including upper-year undergraduate students, teaching faculty, graduate students and researchers, policymakers, and general readers. This is a tough task given the wide breadth and depth of federalism scholarship. The book focuses more on the breadth of this literature by showing both the wide range of federalism topics and some of the frustrations in dealing with those matters. Centermost among them is the frequent mismatch between the theoretical argument and empirical support. Also tough is the wide-ranging audience—from scholars with many years of study of the subject to graduate students just introduced to the field. However, most readers should benefit from the book and its ambitious undertaking ».
Pour lire la recension complète : Publius, The Journal of Federalism