A majority of Canadians support equalization – even in Alberta

Le premier ministre de l’Alberta, Jason Kenney, a promis un référendum sur la question de la péréquation l’an prochain. Lisez l’analyse des experts du rapport menée par l’Environics Institute for Survey Research, en partenariat avec notamment le CAPCF dans les pages du Calgary Herald.

The results of the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 survey show that there is almost universal support in all parts of Canada for the principle that underpins the equalization program: nine in 10 Canadians agree that all Canadians should have access to high-quality public services such as health care and education, regardless of where in the country they live. This principle is no less popular in Alberta: nine in 10 Albertans agree, including three in four who agree strongly.

Les co-auteurs

Donald Abelson, directeur, Brian Mulroney Institute of Government; Colleen Collins, vice-président, Canada West Foundation; Charles Breton, directeur, Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation; Alain-G. Gagnon, directeur, Centre d’analyse politique – constitution et fédéralisme; and Andrew Parkin, directeur, Environics Institute for Survey Research.

Lisez le texte sur le site du Calgary Herald

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