Majority, State Nationalism, and New Research Pathways

Alain Gagnon contribue à l’ouvrage State and Majority Nationalism in Plurinational States, co-dirigé par Daniel Cetrà et Coree Brown Swan (Routledge, à paraître en décembre), avec un chapitre de conclusion s’intitulant « Majority, State Nationalism, and New Research Pathways ».

Pour plus d’informations : Routledge


Book Description

How do states respond to minority nations’ demands? Are state nationalism and majority nationalism the same? This book brings together the leading lights in nationalism studies to turn their attention to the neglected role of the state in nationalist disputes.

The aspirations of state and majority nationalists often conflict with the aspirations of substate nationalist movements, leading to disputes over resources, symbolic recognition, and the structure of the state. State elites are then forced to supply arguments defending the political union and to articulate strategies for its continuation. In the process, they make explicit what being ‘national’ means and the symbolic repertoires for doing so. With case studies from China, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and Nepal, this edited volume examines state and majority nationalism in all its guises, asking how states respond to nationalist challenges from below. It is particularly timely at a moment when territorial and secessionist crises are reshaping politics.

State and Majority Nationalism in Plurinational States will be relevant reading for students and researchers of comparative politics and international relations, including those with a deep interest in territorial politics, national identities, group rights, and representation. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.

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